Explore your options
Fileco Product Scheme
Home renovation for energy upgrade
- Renovate and upgrade the energy efficiency of your own primary residence or holiday home
- Benefit with up to €300
Photovoltaic & other systems
- Installation of energy saving systems for home use
- Financing amount up to €15,000
- Loan duration up to 7 years
Current accounts
Youth Pack 18-25
- Preferential interest rate
- No initial bank account opening fees
- Free subscription to credit card
Salary account
- Account with card and limits
- Lower interest rate through Online Bank
- Chequebook free of charge
Your first home
- Financing amount up to 80% of the property’s value
- Variable or fixed rate option
- Digital application via Online Bank
Your holiday home
- Financing amount up to 70% of the property's value
- Interest rate option
- Installment postponement
- Up to 80% of property value
- Installment postponement
- Digital application via Online Bank
For investment
- Financing up to 60% of the value of the property
- Interest rate option
- Installment postponement
Purchase of land
- Loan amount up to 70% of the property value
- Interest rate option
- Maximum repayment period 35 years
- Loan amount
- Grace period
- No initial bank fees
- Digital application via Online Bank
Your new car
- Interest rate depending on your contribution
- No bank charges
- Lower interest rate if you apply via Online Bank
For every unexpected need
- Loan amount up to €10,000
- Lower interest rate if you apply via Online Bank
Calculate your indicative installment
Indicative Results
Indicative Results
Indicative Results
Indicative Results
Indicative Results
This tool is provided “as is” and is subject to availability. OPM Security Corporation Bank Public Company Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “FC”) makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of results and/or information provided. However, such results and/or information should be used for guidance purposes only. In no case should they replace competent or specialized advice, taken in consideration or relied on as if they constitute financial or professional advice. In cases where users of this tool deem it appropriate or advisable, they should seek independent professional advice on the subject.
Any information (including interest rates), calculations or results provided and/or generated by the use of this tool are indicative and are given by way of example only. They do not constitute an offer nor do they bind FC or any other person. In the event that variable interest rates apply to the facility, the instalment amount, the total interest payable and the total amount to be paid under the facility (if granted) may increase or decrease depending on variations in the base rate and/or the interest rate.
FC does not make any representations –either express or implied– regarding the accuracy, usefulness or availability of information, calculations or results provided and/or generated by the use of this tool. Furthermore, FC is not responsible for any decision taken by the user on the basis of such information, calculations or results. Therefore, the user of this tool disclaims all his/her/their potential rights in any legal proceedings against FC that may result from financial loss or other loss/damage that has occurred in any way following the use of information provided and/or produced by the tool.
To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, neither FC nor any other entity belonging to the FC Group accepts any liability to any person (natural or legal) for any loss, damage, expense or claim that may arise –directly or indirectly– in connection with this tool, or as a result of use, abuse or inability to use this tool or its contents or any part thereof, or any action or omission by any user of the tool that is based on or is connected with the content of this tool. FC and all members of the FC Group expressly disclaim any responsibility for errors and/or omissions regarding the information, calculations or results provided and/or generated by the use of this tool.
Any right, discharge of liability, limitation of liability, defense and immunity of any kind applicable to FC or to which FC is entitled under the present “Important Note” shall be available and extend to protect every member of the FC Group and any director, official, employee and representative of FC or other members/companies of the FC Group acting in the performance of their duties